Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
If you misplaced your email or password, you may obtain it by selecting the sign-in link at the top of our website. This will enable you to click on the "Forgot Password" link. Once you do that, you can simply enter the same email address that you have registered with us and your email and password will be emailed to you.
To change your email address or password, simply login to your account via the "Owner Login". Once you are inside your account, simply click on "Update Details". Here you may update your email address and supply a new password to be used. You must enter your password once, and then confirm the password again to complete the process. Note: The email address you enter is used for all account correspondence, including inquiries from potential renters. Note: If you change your email address that will become your new username and must be used to gain access to your online account.
You may modify any part of your listing including descriptions, photos, calendars, and rates simply by logging into your online user account. Madbookies has a very intuitive user interface that guides you through every step of the listing, editing, and modifying process. You may also contact us anytime by clicking "Helpdesk" inside your account. We will be more than willing to assist you with your listing process.
You may update your calendar at any time by logging into your online account. Once you are inside your account click "Manage Calendar". Once your calendar is visible, simply click the desired dates that you would like to make unavailable or available. The system will immediately update your calendar to display your recent changes. Note: No “Save” buttons must be clicked to update your calendar.